National Park Plitvice Lakes
The enchanting green forests, meadows and grasslands are located below the pearl of the sixteen lakes, interconnected with cascades and waterfalls. U svakom kutku bujne vegetacije krije se dom mnogobrojnih vrsta ptica, leptira i divljači. In every corner of the lush vegetation there’s home of numerous species of birds, butterflies and wildlife. There are no words to describe all this beauty and harmony, so come and feel and experience a piece of pristine, untouched nature.
National Park Northern Velebit
The park is intersected with numerous hiking trails, of which the most popular is Premužić path. The route passes through the most beautiful and interesting parts of northern Velebit. From mountain peaks you can see a breathtaking view of the Adriatic sea and islands Pag , Rab, Goli, Prvić and Zagreb, and Lika background from the continental side. Within the park there are a botanical reserve “Visibaba, botanical reserve Zavižan-Balinovac-Big Kosa and the famous Velebit Botanical Garden.
National Park Paklenica
Entire length from Senj to Zrmanja ,a valley of Mala and Velika Paklenica are the only discontinuity in the integrated coastal slopes of Velebit. There is also the most popular climbing spot in Croatia. Od nekoliko većih speleoloških objekata u Nacionalnom parku najljepši je Manita peć u donjem dijelu Velike Paklenice. Since several major caves in the National Park Manita pec is the most beautiful in the lower part of Velika Paklenica. Explored length of this cave is 175 m with impressive dimensions of underground chambers. The National Park has 150 km of hiking trails.
Croatian center for indigenous species of fish and crustaceans
Croatian center for indigenous species of fish and crustaceans karst water is the source of Kostelke, tributaries of the river in Lika Lešće.
The center is engaged in cultivation of indigenous species of trout, which has always lived in Gacka. The program for the visitor’s educational and adapted to all ages.
Velebit haven for bear cubs
Shelter for young bears in the village Kuterevo is a small universe of peace, sounds of nature and villages, and green woods. Such a resort that takes care of orphan cubs was the first of its kind and so far only in the world. Come. Breathe in the Velebit mountain air. Rest your eyes on the green meadows. Listen the sound of nature, see the bears in the game and enjoy.
Shrine of Our Lady in Krasno
Pilgrimages can be set aside as a special tourist trend, more and more widespread in recent years. Every year in July (July 13 to 16) big numbers of believers come to St. Mary of Mount Caramel to honor the Queen of Peace and renew the covenant love and faith. In August, a large number of believers come to visit the great shrine of Our Lady of Krasno.
Wellspring Gacke
Gacka on its two large, in addition to another thirty small waterfalls (vrilo) Tonković, Majer and Klanac waterfall (vrilo) quietly emerges from the underground, creating azure lakes where human hand made -first mills. As well as you can see the mills, you can also smell the freshly ground flour and taste a myriad of traditional products such as brandy, cheese, honey, trout and other delicacies of this region.
Nikola Tesla Memorial Center
Under the direction of the Museum of Lika Gospic, as a separate but associated unit, there is Memorial Center “Nikola Tesla”. The Memorial Center is designed to integrates multiple disciplines such as science, tourism etc. The concept of the memorial center is coexistence of different content, the birth house and the associated object, Paul’s Church, stone monuments, etc.