Sports activities

Fishing on the river Gacka

ribolov na rijeci Gackoj - Hotel Park Exclusive OtočacFishing tourism is one of the world’s most developed forms of tourism. Gacka Valley surrounded by hills at the foot of the Velebit, full of mythical full-endemic plants and flowers, many sources of clean water and rivers rich in fish without the urban and industrial pollution, with free access to all dear guests – will impress every visitor.

Gacka River is one of the most respected and best-known trout waters in Europe and worldwide. Gacka is extremely rich in flora and fauna. The vegetation is lush due to the favorable water temperature, chemical composition of pleasant, silty bottom, and moderate water flow.Underwater vegetation grows throughout the year, but more intense in the warmer period. There are more than 25 species of plants, from mosses and algae, to woody plants.

Gacka is famous worldwide for its brown trout. There you can also see rainbow trout and other fish species. Brown trout in Gacka grows five times faster than in other rivers of the karst areas, especially because the optimal water temperature with small annual fluctuations, plenty of oxygen and slightly alkaline chemical structure of water.

There are 17 water animals, or organisms that abundantly populate the whole river and make basic foods for brown trout.

In short, Gacka is real fishing paradise.

Come and see for yourself!


lovni-turizam-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacCity Otočac is surrounded by high mountains, and is the starting point for many excursions, and is suitable for hunting.

Hunting areas of our county, the number and species of wildlife, are among the richest on the Croatian territory, and their wealth is well known to hunters outside the boundaries, as evidenced by their increasing interest in organized by coming to this area.


Rowing on the River Gacka

veslanje-na-rijeci-gackoj-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacWalking through the Gacka valley you will discover the incredible creations of man and nature. Sports and hanging out on the river Gacka is managed by Canoe Kayak Club Gacka which offers visitors the river rowing, sailing canoes and kayaks. The best way to explore the charms of nature is to sail the beautiful river Gacka.





biciklizam-rute-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacMany cycling enthusiasts come and enjoy the beauty of the landscape Lika. If you choose this direction and he sends you to Lika, you will certainly be surprised by exquisite beauty, rich woods, meadows and clear rivers. Maps of bike trails are intended for all cyclists, recreational, families and people who enjoy nature in motion by using the power of their muscles. Enjoy in recreation and have fun meeting the natural beauties, cultural, historical and ethnological value of Gacka Valley



jahanje-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacThinking of how and where to spend time in nature? Want to experience a synergy with nature? If you like nature and horses, we recommend that you try riding on farms in nearby villages.





tenis-u-otocu-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacWant to recreate and spend pleasant moments with friends, especially if you and a lover of the “white sport”? If your answer is yes, have fun at the tennis courts that are at your disposal in the city center.




Off Road

off-road-adventure-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacOff road in Gacka assumes all recognizable forms of organizations and gatherings. Would you like adrenalin adventure beyond the usual routes and away from city bustle? Off road ride offers just that!

Depending on the route, through our off-road applications you will experience the breathtaking natural, cultural, historical and eno-gastronomic sites in a new, exciting way. Make it an unforgettable adventure!





paragliding-smjestaj u hotelu park exclusive otocacAmong all kinds of extreme sports, this one has more fans every day. You can fly with the help of wind, gravity and the pilot’s muscle power. Good equipment and proper training make this sport safe.





paintball-adventure-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacPaintball has become recognized as one of the most exciting sports. The center is located at the foot of the Velebit giant. Playing paintball is an experience you’ll never forget, so take an adventure and try it.




Free climbing and artificial rocks

penjenje-umjetna-stijena-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacFree climbing is adventure sport that is becoming more popular every day. On the top of the each rise in our region you’ll experience a unique view you cannot compare with anything you have seen before. If free climbing is too dangerous for you, there is an artificial rocks where you can test your skills.





quad-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacTry Quad vehicles. It is unrepeatable experience and a lot of adrenaline.






strelicarstvo - hotel park exclusive otocacArchery is a sport that can truly engage both men and women of all age levels.

This sport requires calmness and concentration and allows the stay and movement in nature.




Adrenalinski park

adrenalinski-park-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacAdrenalin Park consists of various elements-tasks and obstacles, the participant must pass.

The aim of these exercises is overcoming fear, training of balance, motor skills and concentration. It is very fun and totally safe.




Jeep safari

jeep-safari-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacThis is a travel trip where you will enjoy the magnificent views, experience an unforgettable adventure driving off-road vehicles and learn about natural and cultural heritage in a completely unusual way.





planinarenje-velebit-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacWhether you are a hiker, climber, scientist, researcher, a man eager for rest, recreation, natural beauty, a lover of wide horizons, the scent of flowers, forests, or simply a happy to enjoy some new experiences, we recommend exploring the beautiful landscapes and an unforgettable experience.





speleologija-hotel-park-exclusive-otocacCaving is extremely interesting area because there are lots of sinks, sources and unexplored area of great potential. Velebit is a paradise for cavers. The reason for this are numerous, insufficiently explored caves, and the probability that there are many more undiscovered. However, for now they are only available to registered potholers in trained and approved expeditions.